Friday, September 30, 2011

Well, as of this morning's Microsoft Forefront update, my chrome.exe file is identified as the trojan virus pws:win32/zbot. It appears that I am among many who have been privy to forefront removing my google browser (chrome.exe). Therefore, I am blogging this in Firefox! I chose not to use IE out of principle this time. 

So is this Sabotage or Oversight??? Why not Mozilla or Safari?

 Windows Security just removed Google Chrome from my PC - Google Chrome HelpWindows Security just removed Google Chrome from my PC
Some are referring to this as Microsoft security tools nuking Chrome browser

As of yesterday evening, JQM is now in RC1 -
jQuery Mobile 1.0 RC1 Released! | jQuery MobilejQuery Mobile 1.0 RC1 Released! Posted on September 29, 2011 by Todd Parker. The jQuery Mobile team is thrilled to announce the first release candidate for version 1.0. This new release brings a long ...

Friday, September 23, 2011

jQuery Beta 3 released! This is definitely going to be one of the best mobile frameworks, and yes, it does work well with PhoneGap. So, why is one of the best, if not the best. I say because not only is it based on the jQuery platform, but they support pretty much all browsers including those that do not support webkit. See for their graded support.

After using sencha and dojo to create mobile apps, I definitely think I will be putting all my future efforts into jQeury mobile!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Morganza Spillway opened, and Louisiana National Guard is assisting Parish EOCs prepare

Well, I have been on active duty for over a week, and I am the task force commander responsible for helping 6 parishes plan for high water from the opening of the Morganza spillway and potential flooding from the Mississipi river.

To the left is a picture of HHC 256th STB soldiers assisting with the emplacement of a Tiger Dam to help keep high waters out of a local community in Pierre Part, Louisiana.

More pictures and information to follow.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Richland Preliminary Digital Flood Insurance Map (DFIRM) now available online

Richland received their preliminary DFIRM on 11/23/2009 from FEMA. If you know someone who lives in Richland parish, and they want to know if their property will be in a special flood hazard area (SFHA) when the map becomes effective, they can view the Preliminary DFIRM at

The appeal process ended on 8/19/2010, so you can expect that the Letter of Final Determination (LFD) is just around the corner. For those of you who don't know, the map becomes effective 180 days after the LFD is issued.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

28th Louisiana Floodplain Management Association Highlights

I am at Day 2 of the Louisiana Floodplain Management Association (LFMA). They have had a variety of speakers today, and the turnout is very good.

Currently, Shona Gibson from FEMA Region 6 is speaking on Flood Risk Mapping Project Past, Present and Future. She says "If you don't know what your flood risk is, you can't reduce it!" is now being used for Region 6 (Louisiana, Texas, Arkansas, Oklahoma and New Mexico) for viewing their new Digital Flood Information Map (DFIRM), Preliminary DFIRM and other layers in a GIS format. If you live in Louisiana however, I recommend that you go to From there you will use a portal to get to your parish, then you will interactively find your address, and you can add points that will allow you to query information about that specific location based on the exact latitude and longitude. You will quickly be able to learn your special flood hazard zone designation along with the basic wind speed and elevation of the property at that point. This is a great tool to use if you are considering purchasing a home or land to build a home in Louisiana.

The other good thing is that while not all parishes have digital FIRMS, they do have all the existing analog (paper maps) georectified. Also, if you didn't know, most of Louisiana is getting new updated flood maps, and you can find the Preliminary DFIRM maps to see if your property will change its flood designation.